....OK so I arrived in Perth without enough money to stay there longer then 10 days!!!
Which implied that I had to search for a job immediately....and i did. It was a 2 day search of walking from BP to BP having a look at all the private announces for work, hoping that the dodgiest one could be a cash in hand job(Schwarzarbeit) because that is the only kind of job I can do without a working visa.I called someone who gave me a number for the next person to call... and he used to search for labour workers desperately....and that was the truth.
So I started as a demolishen man on monday.....knocking down houses, with a hammer....
So my first day was knocking down 2 walls which were to close to another house to break them with the big digger!!Second and third day were knocking down a new house. It was really interesting to see how it works while standing 5 meters next to it.
....but sadly i had to search for the next job on Friday again....because he(employer) didn't tell me from the beginning on that there would be work for just 3 days.....so i was unemployed again.
But on friday evening I got a new job for saturday : Fundraising (Spenden sammeln) and it worked out pretty well... because Aussies are really nice and kind. You just need to stand there with a tin and people who passing by throwing money into your tin without even looking at the sign where is written on for what they're donating!!! That's something one could never ever imagine in Germany!!
After two days I recognized that it is really exhausting standing 8 hours at the same place without big movements, because that could hold people up from donating!!!
....so i decided to take a different job on monday morning which was 30min away with the train. The actual work was to cut the grass and bushes next to the train tracks... a few descriptive words: hot, sweaty, millions of flies, painful and dirty..... no reason to keep that one!!!After two days I recognized that it is really exhausting standing 8 hours at the same place without big movements, because that could hold people up from donating!!!
So I quit the job the next morning, had a nice day off at the beach and started fundraising again... last weekend so saturday and sunday I just earned about 515$ which is quite good for 14h of standing with a tin in your hand asking people to give you money....
So I'm fine again and I can start living now...
hope u'r all fine
ps:....actually i haven't seen much comments since my Africa post...so what you could do is move your a.... and write more comments
kind regards
7 Kommentare:
I think I should quit medicine now and get a job as a fundraiser!! Clearly it's far more profitable!X
Schatz wollt nur schnell sagen, dass es am Do auf keinen Fall mitm tele klappt. Gehen nach den Prüfungen noch alle Essen. Ruf dich am Freitag an, wenn ich endlich wieder zuhause bin.
14,5 Küsse
Hallo Simon,
schön mal wieder was von Dir im Blog zu lesen. Hoffe,den Job kannst Du noch einige Tage behalten damit Du etws entspannter Deine Reise fortsetzen kannst. Hast'e gut gemacht min jung .........machs gut bis Weihnachten, ld Ma
hey simon, meine arbeitskollegin kennt eine freundin, die in perth lebt und eine würstchenbude hat (kein scherz), wir kriegen gerade raus, wo genau, aber sie heißt mira holzmann "the german worschtseller", viele kennen sie. frag dich doch mal durch. passt doch perfekt in die reihe von jobs, die du gerade machst. geil. mein neffe verkauft würstchen in australien. ha.
weihnachten ohne dich wird ja blöd, aber das essen schaffen wir schon!
ich küss dich, maryam
Hi Simon,
it is unbelievable that I have no time to look in your homepage. But now before christmas I want to wish you merry christmas and a happy new year. Not only from my side but also from Karen. Now I shall take some time during the christmas days to read all your reports. I hope you enjoy your world round trip. Laura told me that you have spent too much money so that you have now to work in Perth. But now there are only a few weeks and then you can travel with Laura.
Greetings from Heribert and Karen.
Hey SImon, nach bisher nur passiver Teilnahme an deiner Web 2.0 Weltreise mein erster Kommentar!
Fröhliche Weihnachten, leider ohne uns alle, wünsche ich dir, auch wenn es bei dir gerade ca. 40 Grad wärmer ist als hier. (Neid)
Also viel Spaß noch und bis bald...
Dicke Umarmung,
Simon.... where is the bit about the drinking bourbon at 8:30am... driving a car to work?! That's an essential piece of information!
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