Donnerstag, 22. November 2007

Phi Phi is exhausting...

....that is what we had to recognize after 5 days on pi pi...we calculated that we hadn't had more than 18hours of sleep during these five days and it supposed to be 35h. So what we did was, we booked a boat ticket to Koh Lanta. The girls we met at our first lunch on pi pi, called Sophie and Katrina did go to that island one day before, so we kind of followed them with the hope to find a peaceful place to stay on Koh Lanta without party!!!!. As usual, on one of these boats, we got hassled by all these people who wanted to sell us accommodation...and one argument of one woman was reasonable why we became weak and took it.!!!200B per night for a bungalow with shower and toilet!!!So 100 each ...and because we spent so much money in pi pi that was exactly what we were searching for...
As we arrived there we found very basic bungalows but directly on the beach, and the beach was beautiful. As we asked again for the price the woman was like: this one is 300 an night!!!then we started arguing, but in the end she was right because she had shown us the more expensive ones. On the other side there were more bungalows even more basic and they were 200. So we left the better ones for the girls and moved into a cheap one. Except of the facts that the mosey-net had holes bigger than my hand, and the water coming out of the tab was was a nice place...the bar was cheap there was a pool table next door, they had mopeds for rent and the sand on the beach was really nice...
In total we stayed 5 days on Koh Lanta which was a really chilled time...we explored the island with motorbikes, visited a cave which was definitely nothing for claustrophobic people cos we had to crawl through a hole which was approximately 60 high and 2m deep and there was mud every which we also didn't expect(looked a bit like the cave of Batman, and there were real bats every where as well), we hung around on the beach and played a lot of pool...
But we were missing real party, so that we moved on to the next place after 5 days of relaxation...

happy birthday dear Maximilian miss you lots
Your Simon

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Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo Simon,

deine Biledr sind echt wieder mal sehr schön. Dei werd ich mir gleich mal für mein Fotoalbum klauen, weil Nike und ich doch alle Fotos von Thailand gelöscht haben... und das mit den Vögeln kenn ich auch schon aus China. Hab da mit meinem Vater Vögel für Familie Kailbach los gelassen...
Drück dich