Montag, 15. Oktober 2007

Nairobi & Mombasa I'm Nairobi...
On friday nearly everyone left to its home country except So now I was alone again, this time in a suburb of Nairobi called Karen(at this point regards to Karen&Heribert). Karen is a suburb of Nairobi which is richer than others because there're living many white people, but I couldn't really figure out where, because they weren't on the streets, anyway, Karencampsite(place I was staying)is therefore also pretty expensive which led me to the decision to leave Karencampsite after 3 days to the center of Nairobi which is approximately 25km away. In Nairobi I stayed in New Kenya Lodge which was cheaper as Karencampsite and quite central. The center of Nairobi is more hectic which I found more postive than negative because people are busy with their one things. So that means that they dont really care if next to them is walking a MZUNGU(white person) or not. That made me feel more comfortable than in Karencamp.
So I think it was monday when I was on the the top of Kenyan Conferrence Tower, where I had a perfect view over Nairobi. From there I was able to see a big demonstration of 650000 people celebrating the oppostion of the actual party which is ruling the country. In december are elections here in Kenya and the people on the street are all going crazy. The demonstration was in every tv that day, and the following 4. They said that during the demonstration 4 people were shot just 400m away of this place I've been to.
So after visiting Nairobi a little bit I moved on, on wednesday, to Mombasa by bus!!It was a night bus and the drive was the most bumpy drive I've ever had in a bus. We arrived in Mombasa at 6:30 in the morning and my back was hurting already.
Mombasa was more hustling again and people sometimes were looking at you as if you'd come from another planet...
After visting Fort Jesus "highlight" of Mombasas cultural things I and Mary(is working for the UN peacemission in sudan,met her at Fort Jesus) took one of these Matatus to the mainland and from there on to Tiwi-beach. Tiwi-beach was more expensive again but a lot of sun and of course the Indian Ocean. In Tiwi I started going joging for Nepal... I know it is quite late to start, but better late than never start at all!!I stayed for four days in Tiwi which was really relaxing and I had time on my one again which was necessarry.
One evening I went out with 2 guys and one girl all from Liverpool and Eddy who is living in Tiwi. He went with us to one local pub after another and the later night became more "local" the clubs became. One funny thing about these clubs was that as a white guy you always had prostitutes around you... which is not the best because they're really able to get on someone's nerves... and that holdes you back of enjoying your time. After that night I left Tiwi went back to Mombasa and took at the same day the nightbus from Mombasa to Nairobi. Now I'm back again in Nairobi. I have to organise a few things here and hopefully I'm able to upload fotos...
Liebe Gruesse an alle...

ps: on wednesday the 17th I'm flying to Nepal. So dont be worried if there maybe won't be a post during the next 3weeks...I'm showing my mom how to hike ; )

5 Kommentare:

Joschi hat gesagt…

Hey simon,
meine mutter bittet dich bilder von sansibar hoch zu laden..

Susanne hat gesagt…

Hallo Simon,
so wie es aussieht hat sich dein Leben in der kurzen Zeit sehr bereichert ( da möchte man ganz gerne nochmals so jung sein ).Wir möchten Dir eine erlebnisreiche und wunderbare Zeit für die Treckingtour mit Jutta auf dem Dach der Welt wünschen.Gib Jutta einen dicken Kuss und viel Spaß und super Wetter.
Bin gespannt wie euer Eindruck von Kathmandu ist ( Ameisenhaufen ? )
Liebe Grüsse von Susanne , Matthias, Lisa und Carolin

Simon hat gesagt…

Pole Pole joschi. d.h immer mit der ruhe. Die Bilder stelle ich in der Reihnfolge rein wie ich sie gemacht hab und wir sin leider erst bei der ersten Safari...dauert nicht mehr lang..

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo mein Prinz,

danke für deine Email, hab mich wahnsinnig gefreut. Hoffentlich klappt des noch mit dem telefonieren. Drück mal deine Mama ganz lieb von mir.

Ich küsse dich schon über 12 mal :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

my first comment in english! yippieyeah, just love what you do, what you write and what you give us to see. give us more!!!
my next comment will be in farci by the way.

say salami meloni to your mum.
and tell your brother he should not eat so many bratwörschtche when you talk to him.

yours maryam