Dienstag, 25. September 2007

Vic'Falls to Zanzibar

Sooooo There we are.... first post in english, hopefully not the last one. Where did i stop the last time? ok, we changed groups on friday, where we had our pre-depature meeting in the evening. The meeting was a little bit boring because it took about 1 1/2 hours. The guids seemed to be nice( names:Zingih and Anthony). There are a few people in the group which joined us or better which we had to join. Sadly a lot of nice people left our group to make their way down to CT. But there're still enough nice people to hang around with.
From Vic'falls we drove to Kande Beach where we stayed on a campsite directly next to the beach. Kande Beach was a lot of fun because Bruce, Charlie, Claire and I had a private party in our truck with loud music and a couple of beers. Next day I did my refresher dive infront of Kande Island which was about 750m away from the main land. Jess, my buddy and me both enjoyed this dive even when we had a few problems at the beginnig. The day before Claire, Leigh and I swam to Kande Island which took us about 35min to and 15min back from the Island because of the heavy current. But it was good exerscise. After Kande Beach we drove to Chitimba Beach where Leigh and I had a nice round playing frisbee. In the evening Charlie, Claire, Bruce and I played a round darts which was very nice because the winner was..... ok sorry for that but I kicked your ass!! ;) we then went very early to bed ah I mean to our tents and had a nice chat there,......until one of our strange people in our group named GrayHam was annoyed of our voices. But just of our voices because he could stand the music in the bar(which was very loud) and he was able to stand the generator 10m away. He told us to shut up, or to leave our tent if we still wanted to chat after half past nine!!This guy is also the one who made up the idea to rotate clock wise in the truck because some places supposed to be nicer than others!so that we now every morning in truck have discussions if someone rotated clockwise or maybe anti-clockwise which is an kind of rediclous discussion. Our next stop was Iringa where we had a nice dinner in a resturant which was traditionally Tanzanian food. Stop after that was Dar e Salam where we had the first chance to swim in the Indian Ocean, and it was very warm!!This evening in Dar e Salam I had a very very very strange experience with a small group of people from Kenya....
The next morning we rode with a speed boat to Zanzibar. Zanzibar with his small alleyways and houses reminds one of photos of Kuba or Venice. To make it short i'll try to explain it in a few words: Zanzibar is beautiful and warm, the people are nice and frindly and they accept a no as a no!and the beaches in the north where we arrived today are wonderful, white as snow with a pefect warm ocean.... I love Zanzibar

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo Simon,

es freut uns sehr, dass wir wieder etwas von Dir gehört haben und uns somit sicher sein könne, dass es Dir gut geht.
Es grüßen Dich Oma, Opa, Felix, Papa und ich

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hallo mein lieber Neffe,

Hier Dein Super-Onkel.
Zunächst hau mal den GrayHam richtig aufs Maul - dann ist gut. Ansonsten coole Plätze, coole Schilderungen und coole Leute. Weiter so. Lass es richtig krachen und lass auch etwas für mich übrig.

Gruß Kami

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and i love you. Bis heut abend, freu mich!!!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Schatzi, hab dir ne Email geschieben. Bitte lesen... Bin wieder in VS und schau mit Julia "nur die Liebe zählt" und denk ganz fest an dich.

Küsse dich!