Ok last night we were sitting in our lodge next to the tv and we were talking about "Gott und die Welt"(gossiping). The lodge has kind of a backyard(ich mein Innenhof) which is without any roof so that you're able to hear what is going on at the streets. While we were talking we heard something which sounded like those explosive things for sylvester... but then we recognised that it was from a pistol or a mashine gun. It shot maybe 20 times, after it turned quiet again...(it was 11.30 and the streets are totaly empty at that time...normaly) So we ran up the stairs to the top of the roof to see what happend... Just around the corner in the next street, we were able to look through a gap between two houses, were standing 5 maybe more securities with mashine guns always looking on a specific point on the floor we couldn't really see. So I climbed up the roof a little bit and from there I could see a person lying on the street.Shot...
Because we were still curious what exactly had happend, three of us went down on the street to have a closer look. There were many people standing and watching the scene. But those "police Officers didn't really like it that we were gathering there, so one of them pointed on us with his gun and shouted we should piss off imediatly... we turned around, heading back to the lodge some others didn't really want to move fast enough so he shot few times in the air....
WOW I can tell you that..... was exciting...adrenalin pure....
I think that was now really the last post until I've finished with my hike...
Hope you're all fine
Love you all
Your Simon
Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2007
Montag, 15. Oktober 2007
Nairobi & Mombasa
...here I'm Nairobi...
On friday nearly everyone left to its home country except of....me. So now I was alone again, this time in a suburb of Nairobi called Karen(at this point regards to Karen&Heribert). Karen is a suburb of Nairobi which is richer than others because there're living many white people, but I couldn't really figure out where, because they weren't on the streets, anyway, Karencampsite(place I was staying)is therefore also pretty expensive which led me to the decision to leave Karencampsite after 3 days to the center of Nairobi which is approximately 25km away. In Nairobi I stayed in New Kenya Lodge which was cheaper as Karencampsite and quite central. The center of Nairobi is more hectic which I found more postive than negative because people are busy with their one things. So that means that they dont really care if next to them is walking a MZUNGU(white person) or not. That made me feel more comfortable than in Karencamp.
So I think it was monday when I was on the the top of Kenyan Conferrence Tower, where I had a perfect view over Nairobi. From there I was able to see a big demonstration of 650000 people celebrating the oppostion of the actual party which is ruling the country. In december are elections here in Kenya and the people on the street are all going crazy. The demonstration was in every tv that day, and the following 4. They said that during the demonstration 4 people were shot just 400m away of this place I've been to.
So after visiting Nairobi a little bit I moved on, on wednesday, to Mombasa by bus!!It was a night bus and the drive was the most bumpy drive I've ever had in a bus. We arrived in Mombasa at 6:30 in the morning and my back was hurting already.
Mombasa was more hustling again and people sometimes were looking at you as if you'd come from another planet...
After visting Fort Jesus "highlight" of Mombasas cultural things I and Mary(is working for the UN peacemission in sudan,met her at Fort Jesus) took one of these Matatus to the mainland and from there on to Tiwi-beach. Tiwi-beach was more expensive again but a lot of sun and of course the Indian Ocean. In Tiwi I started going joging for Nepal... I know it is quite late to start, but better late than never start at all!!I stayed for four days in Tiwi which was really relaxing and I had time on my one again which was necessarry.
One evening I went out with 2 guys and one girl all from Liverpool and Eddy who is living in Tiwi. He went with us to one local pub after another and the later night became more "local" the clubs became. One funny thing about these clubs was that as a white guy you always had prostitutes around you... which is not the best because they're really able to get on someone's nerves... and that holdes you back of enjoying your time. After that night I left Tiwi went back to Mombasa and took at the same day the nightbus from Mombasa to Nairobi. Now I'm back again in Nairobi. I have to organise a few things here and hopefully I'm able to upload fotos...
Liebe Gruesse an alle...
ps: on wednesday the 17th I'm flying to Nepal. So dont be worried if there maybe won't be a post during the next 3weeks...I'm showing my mom how to hike ; )
On friday nearly everyone left to its home country except of....me. So now I was alone again, this time in a suburb of Nairobi called Karen(at this point regards to Karen&Heribert). Karen is a suburb of Nairobi which is richer than others because there're living many white people, but I couldn't really figure out where, because they weren't on the streets, anyway, Karencampsite(place I was staying)is therefore also pretty expensive which led me to the decision to leave Karencampsite after 3 days to the center of Nairobi which is approximately 25km away. In Nairobi I stayed in New Kenya Lodge which was cheaper as Karencampsite and quite central. The center of Nairobi is more hectic which I found more postive than negative because people are busy with their one things. So that means that they dont really care if next to them is walking a MZUNGU(white person) or not. That made me feel more comfortable than in Karencamp.
So I think it was monday when I was on the the top of Kenyan Conferrence Tower, where I had a perfect view over Nairobi. From there I was able to see a big demonstration of 650000 people celebrating the oppostion of the actual party which is ruling the country. In december are elections here in Kenya and the people on the street are all going crazy. The demonstration was in every tv that day, and the following 4. They said that during the demonstration 4 people were shot just 400m away of this place I've been to.
So after visiting Nairobi a little bit I moved on, on wednesday, to Mombasa by bus!!It was a night bus and the drive was the most bumpy drive I've ever had in a bus. We arrived in Mombasa at 6:30 in the morning and my back was hurting already.
Mombasa was more hustling again and people sometimes were looking at you as if you'd come from another planet...
After visting Fort Jesus "highlight" of Mombasas cultural things I and Mary(is working for the UN peacemission in sudan,met her at Fort Jesus) took one of these Matatus to the mainland and from there on to Tiwi-beach. Tiwi-beach was more expensive again but a lot of sun and of course the Indian Ocean. In Tiwi I started going joging for Nepal... I know it is quite late to start, but better late than never start at all!!I stayed for four days in Tiwi which was really relaxing and I had time on my one again which was necessarry.
One evening I went out with 2 guys and one girl all from Liverpool and Eddy who is living in Tiwi. He went with us to one local pub after another and the later night became more "local" the clubs became. One funny thing about these clubs was that as a white guy you always had prostitutes around you... which is not the best because they're really able to get on someone's nerves... and that holdes you back of enjoying your time. After that night I left Tiwi went back to Mombasa and took at the same day the nightbus from Mombasa to Nairobi. Now I'm back again in Nairobi. I have to organise a few things here and hopefully I'm able to upload fotos...
Liebe Gruesse an alle...
ps: on wednesday the 17th I'm flying to Nepal. So dont be worried if there maybe won't be a post during the next 3weeks...I'm showing my mom how to hike ; )
Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2007
Ngorogoro Crater & Serengeti National Park
Also zur Abwechslung mal wieder was auf Deutsch allerdings werde ich alles KLEIN schreiben....
wir sind also morgens um 7uhr von insgesamt 4, 4x4 jeeps abgeholt worden. In die jeeps haben wir dann unsere zelte unsere matten und die tagesrucksaecke reingeschmissen(verstaut) und dann gings auch schon los. Wir sind erstmal 3std hingefahren. Die einfahrt in den nationalpark war dann wie als waren wir in eine andere welt uebergegangen. Wo vorher strassen waren, waren nun wege voller schlagloecher und busch.
Wir hatten dann einen kleinen lunchstop auf einer anhoehe. Bruce wurde sein essen von einer art falke gestohlen was alle ziemlich lustig fanden, bis auf Brucie!!
Wir verliessen dann irgendwann den hauptweg und starteten unsere safari. dafuer wurde dann an drei stellen das dach des jeeps aufgeklappt und wir standen auf den sitzen um die tiere nicht durch eine glasscheibe zu beobachten. das war dann gleichzeitig erfrischend, weil es bei 28C doch ziemlich warm im auto geworden war. Tiere... also als erstes haben wir kleine loewenbabys gefunden samt mutter. Dann sind zwei loeweinnen direkt neben unserem auto her gelaufen und anschliessend haben wir geparden in der ferne samt kiddis beobachten duerfen. spaeter kreuzten noch ein paar hyaenen den weg und nachdem wir einen leoparden vom baum haengen gesheen hatten gings zur campsite. Dort gabs dann bueffel und weil tiere beobachten doch ganzschoen anstrengend ist gings dann auch zuegig ins bett.
Tag 2 war ein gamedrive am morgen bei dem wir dann einen weiteren leoparden, bueffel und nilpferde geshen haben. tiere wie giraffen und elefanten hab ich bis jetzt noch nicht aufgezaehlt weil man die oeffters sieht. wir sind dann spaet nachmittags im Ngorogor Cratercamp angekommen welches auf dem rand des kraters ist. Der krater hat einen durchmesser von 19km und ist 260km2 gross und 600m tief. Am naechsten morgen haben dann erstmal alle gespannt einer gutenachtgschichte von Babara zugehoert, die nachts aus dem zelt raus wollte um mal fuer koenigstiger...ihr wisst schon, und dann aber ein schnaufender bueffel vor ihr stan..sie sprang ihrer erzaehlung nach wie "superman"(und sie ist nicht die duennste)zurueck ins zelt. Der bueffel ist danach wieder abmarschiert. Auf der wiese auf der wir da gezeltet hatten konnten wir am tag zuvor fotos von zebras machen die nur 1m von uns weg standen; )
Im krater haben wir dann an dem tag tausende zebras gesehen, was wirklich beeindrucken war genauso wie die masse an wildebeest die wir gesehen haben. Der fahrer hat uns dann erzaehlt das im crater ueber 40000 zebras und ueber 25000 wildebeest leben. weitere tiere die wir zuvor noch nicht gesehen hatten waren "pumba"-babys hyaenen-junge und das schwaze nashorn!!!damit waren dann auch unsere BIG FIVE komplett(elephant,buffalo,leopard,lion,black-rhino)
nach dem cratertag gings dann zurueck nach arusha zur snake-park-campsite. dort bin ich dann mit Claire zu den krokodilen gegangen die dort in gehegen waren. Die werter dort liessen uns dann baby-krokos halten und streichel. weil ich natuerlich nicht genug bekommen konnte bin ich auf das angeot eingegangen eine schlang zu halten....
Der kerl hat mir die schlange dann einfach um den hals gehaengt, und mir dann erzaehlt da sie giftig ist beist und mich in 2sec toeten kann wenn sie will. Da ich sie schon um den halshaengen hatte konnte ich mir die 2%die in denen er wirklich recht haben sollt leider nicht erlauben, was zu folge hatte das ich verdammt angst hatte!!!dann fing er an zu lachen und meinte das waer ein witz gewesen das sie beist sie wuerde spucken....hahaha lustig!!
naja letzten endes war die schlange bissig, sie beist aber nur dinge die kleiner sind als sie....
Wir sind dann am naechsten tag nach Nairobi gefahren wo die Super Geniale Tour dann zu ende war... hat also richtig spass gemacht und war ein RIESEN erlebnis...
bis bald alle miteinander der naechste bericht ist wieder in englisch, weil ich da nichts falsch mach wenn ich so gut wie alles klein schreib ; )
gruesse aus Nairobi
euer Simon
wir sind also morgens um 7uhr von insgesamt 4, 4x4 jeeps abgeholt worden. In die jeeps haben wir dann unsere zelte unsere matten und die tagesrucksaecke reingeschmissen(verstaut) und dann gings auch schon los. Wir sind erstmal 3std hingefahren. Die einfahrt in den nationalpark war dann wie als waren wir in eine andere welt uebergegangen. Wo vorher strassen waren, waren nun wege voller schlagloecher und busch.
Wir hatten dann einen kleinen lunchstop auf einer anhoehe. Bruce wurde sein essen von einer art falke gestohlen was alle ziemlich lustig fanden, bis auf Brucie!!
Wir verliessen dann irgendwann den hauptweg und starteten unsere safari. dafuer wurde dann an drei stellen das dach des jeeps aufgeklappt und wir standen auf den sitzen um die tiere nicht durch eine glasscheibe zu beobachten. das war dann gleichzeitig erfrischend, weil es bei 28C doch ziemlich warm im auto geworden war. Tiere... also als erstes haben wir kleine loewenbabys gefunden samt mutter. Dann sind zwei loeweinnen direkt neben unserem auto her gelaufen und anschliessend haben wir geparden in der ferne samt kiddis beobachten duerfen. spaeter kreuzten noch ein paar hyaenen den weg und nachdem wir einen leoparden vom baum haengen gesheen hatten gings zur campsite. Dort gabs dann bueffel und weil tiere beobachten doch ganzschoen anstrengend ist gings dann auch zuegig ins bett.
Tag 2 war ein gamedrive am morgen bei dem wir dann einen weiteren leoparden, bueffel und nilpferde geshen haben. tiere wie giraffen und elefanten hab ich bis jetzt noch nicht aufgezaehlt weil man die oeffters sieht. wir sind dann spaet nachmittags im Ngorogor Cratercamp angekommen welches auf dem rand des kraters ist. Der krater hat einen durchmesser von 19km und ist 260km2 gross und 600m tief. Am naechsten morgen haben dann erstmal alle gespannt einer gutenachtgschichte von Babara zugehoert, die nachts aus dem zelt raus wollte um mal fuer koenigstiger...ihr wisst schon, und dann aber ein schnaufender bueffel vor ihr stan..sie sprang ihrer erzaehlung nach wie "superman"(und sie ist nicht die duennste)zurueck ins zelt. Der bueffel ist danach wieder abmarschiert. Auf der wiese auf der wir da gezeltet hatten konnten wir am tag zuvor fotos von zebras machen die nur 1m von uns weg standen; )
Im krater haben wir dann an dem tag tausende zebras gesehen, was wirklich beeindrucken war genauso wie die masse an wildebeest die wir gesehen haben. Der fahrer hat uns dann erzaehlt das im crater ueber 40000 zebras und ueber 25000 wildebeest leben. weitere tiere die wir zuvor noch nicht gesehen hatten waren "pumba"-babys hyaenen-junge und das schwaze nashorn!!!damit waren dann auch unsere BIG FIVE komplett(elephant,buffalo,leopard,lion,black-rhino)
nach dem cratertag gings dann zurueck nach arusha zur snake-park-campsite. dort bin ich dann mit Claire zu den krokodilen gegangen die dort in gehegen waren. Die werter dort liessen uns dann baby-krokos halten und streichel. weil ich natuerlich nicht genug bekommen konnte bin ich auf das angeot eingegangen eine schlang zu halten....
Der kerl hat mir die schlange dann einfach um den hals gehaengt, und mir dann erzaehlt da sie giftig ist beist und mich in 2sec toeten kann wenn sie will. Da ich sie schon um den halshaengen hatte konnte ich mir die 2%die in denen er wirklich recht haben sollt leider nicht erlauben, was zu folge hatte das ich verdammt angst hatte!!!dann fing er an zu lachen und meinte das waer ein witz gewesen das sie beist sie wuerde spucken....hahaha lustig!!
naja letzten endes war die schlange bissig, sie beist aber nur dinge die kleiner sind als sie....
Wir sind dann am naechsten tag nach Nairobi gefahren wo die Super Geniale Tour dann zu ende war... hat also richtig spass gemacht und war ein RIESEN erlebnis...
bis bald alle miteinander der naechste bericht ist wieder in englisch, weil ich da nichts falsch mach wenn ich so gut wie alles klein schreib ; )
gruesse aus Nairobi
euer Simon
Montag, 8. Oktober 2007
Zanzibar to Arusha
Hey everybody! I'm back and alive...
...ok the next funny thing happend directly on the way back from Zanzibar to the mainland.
We entered the ferry... and i think it took 20 min until the first person stood up and walked to the back of the ship to breath some fresh air and puke afterwards. But she was just one out of several others. The reason for that was the endlessly jumping ship which made even me feel sick a little bit and normaly i'm enjoying such times!!
As we arrived in Dar Es Salam we headed of with our Truck to the campsite we stayed a 4 days ago. This time sadly there was no water for the people who were tenting!!didn't affect me, because i upgrated togehter with Charlie, Bruce and Claire. The next day we had a long drive to Arusha which was our last offical campsite. This campsite is also a snakepark.
The second day we walked to a Masai village. They showed as how they live, what kind of instruments they use in the houshold etc.. that was really interesting and impressing as well. Masais are all friends told us our tourleader. So if a male Masai is walking back from the pub and he is tired he just need to stick his speer into the earth infront of his friends house and for that knight the bed and the wife of his friend are his!!!In case she gets pregnant after that knight she and her husband have to take care of the child!! ; )I think the phrase we're all brothers finds his real meaning in this culture. Afterwards we, especially me, played a lot with the kids who had problems letting us go!
After that day we started our Safari. Ngorogoro Crater and Serengeti National Park were the 2 places we would spent the next 3 days...
...ok the next funny thing happend directly on the way back from Zanzibar to the mainland.
We entered the ferry... and i think it took 20 min until the first person stood up and walked to the back of the ship to breath some fresh air and puke afterwards. But she was just one out of several others. The reason for that was the endlessly jumping ship which made even me feel sick a little bit and normaly i'm enjoying such times!!
As we arrived in Dar Es Salam we headed of with our Truck to the campsite we stayed a 4 days ago. This time sadly there was no water for the people who were tenting!!didn't affect me, because i upgrated togehter with Charlie, Bruce and Claire. The next day we had a long drive to Arusha which was our last offical campsite. This campsite is also a snakepark.
The second day we walked to a Masai village. They showed as how they live, what kind of instruments they use in the houshold etc.. that was really interesting and impressing as well. Masais are all friends told us our tourleader. So if a male Masai is walking back from the pub and he is tired he just need to stick his speer into the earth infront of his friends house and for that knight the bed and the wife of his friend are his!!!In case she gets pregnant after that knight she and her husband have to take care of the child!! ; )I think the phrase we're all brothers finds his real meaning in this culture. Afterwards we, especially me, played a lot with the kids who had problems letting us go!
After that day we started our Safari. Ngorogoro Crater and Serengeti National Park were the 2 places we would spent the next 3 days...
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